FPSO fleet

FPSO fleet

Bluewater owns and operates a fleet of five Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) installations:

Aoka Mizu

A harsh environment, self-propelled, turret moored, disconnectable oil & gas production facility, under contract in the Atlantic region.

Haewene Brim

A self-propelled, turret moored disconnectable production facility. Recently converted from oil & gas injection to oil & gas export. Permanently moored in the central North Sea.

Bleo Holm

A permanently turret moored oil & gas production facility operated under bareboat charter located in Central North Sea.

Glas Dowr

A permanently turret moored oil & gas production facility. Available for redeployment.


A disconnectable turret moored oil & gas production facility. Proven capability as a full DP FPSO. Available for redeployment.