Haewene Brim
Since 1999, the Hæwene Brim Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) installation has been operational at the Pierce field in the UK sector of the North Sea for client Shell UK Exploration & Production. Bluewater purchased the Hæwene Brim in 2001.
The Hæwene Brim was built in 1996 at Samsung ship yard, Korea, as a so-called Multi-purpose Shuttle Tanker (MST), meaning she could be employed in various modes as a Dynamically Positioned (DP) shuttle tanker and adapted to be converted to an FPSO or a deep-water drilling vessel.
Haewene Brim as MST prior to conversion

Haewene Brim after conversion as FPSO

After delivery of the vessel in early 1997, she was employed as a trading (shuttle) tanker and as a Floating Storage and Offloading vessel during extended well-testing operations at the Connemara field off Ireland for Statoil.
The Hæwene Brim was converted to an FPSO at Aker McNulty yard in Newcastle by her previous owners in late 1997-1998 and started operating at the Pierce field early in 1999.
The Hæwene Brim under conversion to FPSO in Newcastle, 1998

To extend its field life, production was suspended in July 2004 to allow addition of a water injection topsides module inshore, again in Newcastle. In September 2004, these modifications were completed and the vessel returned to the field for offshore hook-up allowing production to resume in October 2004.
FPSO Haewene Brim

During the summer of 2013, production will be suspended to carry out inshore topsides modifications to the Hæwene Brim for tying in the Brynhild field. First oil from Brynhild will start and production from Pierce will resume by end the of 2013. The Brynhild field, operated by Lundin, is located across the border in the Norwegian sector approximately 36 kilometres from Pierce.
Illustration showing the Haewene Brim while offloading to a shuttle tanker

The Hæwene Brim in the Tyne River mouth leaving Newcastle