Engineering & Construction
By providing Engineering & Construction Support to Bluewater operated Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) installations, we add flexibility to the technical capabilities of the FPSOs by modifying existing systems and equipment.
- FPSO lifetime extension beyond the originally expected field life
- Newly discovered nearby oil and gas field tie-ins to FPSOs already producing oil and gas
- FPSO oil and gas processing plant capacity increases beyond original specification (= debottle-necking)
- Equipment and system improvements adding value to safety, environmental care and operations
- Implementation of new legislation
Often modifications are executed offshore while the FPSO continues to operate or during a planned shutdown period of the FPSO. Lifetime extension programmes and tie-ins of new nearby oil discoveries are usually at the request of the client who leases the FPSO.
The engineering and construction teams consist of a variety of engineering disciplines: process, piping, naval, marine, electrical, instrumentation, mechanical and planning.
In addition to that, the discipline document control ensures that the engineering and construction teams as well as the asset teams are provided with up-to-date technical documentation, tag data and maintain its integrity.

A crane barge installing a gas lift topsides module on the Glas Dowr while operating offshore in the North Sea.