Our Management System
The support and monitoring function of the Health, Safety, Environment, Quality and Regulatory Compliance (HSEQ&RC) department is strongly embedded in the execution of projects and FPSO operations. Wherein the HSEQ policy acts as a guidance document.
The element of independent assurance is covered by certification against: ISM for Safety Management on-board our FPSOs, ISO 14001 for Environment and ISO 9001 for Quality. On our operating FPSOs, verification of Safety and Environmental Critical Elements takes place by an Independent Competent Person (ICP).
Further, our management system contains processes to give substance to ISO 27001 for Information Security, ISO 45001 for Occupational Health & Safety (OHS), ISPS for Ship Security, Process Safety Management and Functional Safety Management.
The effectiveness of our safety and environmental effort is evaluated on a continuous basis by management and the personnel involved.
In our FPSO operations, all of the above is a way to control our barriers being; People, Process and Plant, which avoid incidents from happening or limit their consequences.

HSE put into practice
For the offices attention points are:
- Focus on our carbon footprint (analysed according to the Green House Gas Protocol). For example by maintaining green electricity certificates for scope 2 emissions and minimising air-travel-related scope 3 emissions by remote working.
- Employees need to look after their own health in the office. To assist them we have OHS points of contact and representatives for our main offices.
During a project, all health, safety and environmental aspects are covered by the HSE plan, wherein specific client and local requirements are taken into account.
In engineering, the primary focus is on designing to adequate industry standards and to our HSE risk management strategy that includes a process for execution of formal safety assessments.
In projects, we work with subcontractors, which are selected based on HSE criteria and audited to confirm their control of safety and environmental aspects.
Offshore, the crew forms an organisation that functions autonomously. The Offshore Installation Manager is responsible for the safety and health of everyone on board and the impact on the environment. As such, he is the “conscience” of the company on board. He is supported by a Safety Advisor and a full crew of qualified personnel.
The onshore HSE team provides support in:
- incident and emergency response management;
- barrier model reviews and associated risk assessments;
- maintaining compliance to our permits and definition of environmental improvements within the boundaries of the lease contract.

Long term environmental improvements for our fleet to achieve net zero emissions in 2050 are actively being discussed with (potential) Clients by Asset Management, Business Development and Technology Management.
Other activities
In any other activity (e.g. when our After-Sales department is involved in the servicing of CALM buoys) it is our philosophy to analyse the planned task or activity to the right level of detail to enable adequate risk assessment. The risk assessment is then carried out by qualified personnel with the level of competence required to address all relevant issues. During the risk assessment, mitigating measures are identified to control or eliminate identified risks.