Our solutions
Bluewater is a pioneer in offshore mooring systems and floating production units since our foundation in 1978.

Renewable energy solutions
We are committed to direct our innovative power to energy efficient and emission-less production and transfer of energy offshore.

Mooring and transfer systems
A large variety of offshore single point mooring systems are designed and delivered by Bluewater being listed in the Bluewater experience overview.

Floating production and storage units
Bluewater designs and delivers, owns and operates a fleet of FPSOs. Our experience extend from complete newbuilds to conversion of an existing tanker or FPSO.
Innovation is in our nature as we design for, and operate in, a demanding offshore environments being conscious of our safety and responsibilities for our environment and society. We support the energy transition by reducing our carbon footprint and by extending our portfolio to include LNG transfer and renewable energy solutions, utilizing our extensive experience and innovative power to harvest and transfer non-fossil energy offshore.
Our clients recognize the timely delivery of our innovative quality solutions, adopted to their specific requirements. Our state of art designs and products are based on our field proven and successful solutions being robust, inherent safe and easy to install, maintain and operate.
Bluewater supplies, owns and operates FPSOs, being tanker based offshore production and storage facilities. Our FPSOs are versatile and high spec, being classified and certified for use in most stringent regulatory regimes with highest safety and environmental standards. We contract our fleet of FPSOs to field owners for the production of their oil and gas reserves offshore and aim to maximize utilisation of our fleet through contract extensions and redeployments while exploring opportunities for fleet expansion that fit our capabilities.
Our decades of operational experience, in particular but not limited to the UKCS, and our global supply of FPSOs and mooring systems drives our mindset and capabilities. Execution of our projects and the operation of our fleet of FPSOs is safe, being cautious of our environment, most reliable and predictable as accredited by our clients.