Mooring and transfer systems
A large variety of offshore single point mooring systems are designed and delivered by Bluewater being listed in the Bluewater experience overview. Our client have accredited our systems for being robust, reliability, safe and easy to operate.

CALM buoy terminals
For more than 40 years, Bluewater has successfully designed and delivered very cost effective Turret Buoys to recognized marine terminal operators, oil majors and refineries worldwide, to allow offshore and near shore (off-) loading of tankers of any size.

Advanced loading towers
The Bluewater Advanced Loading Tower (ALT) enables safe and year-round (off)loading of tankers with bow station offshore, both in open sea and ice-infested waters without the need for a jetty or breakwater.

FPSO and FLNG mooring
Bluewater designs and delivers a large variety of single point mooring systems for tanker based offshore production units. The unrestricted weathervaning ability enables FPSOs and FLNG units to maintain highest production uptimes and best offloading availability in varying and harsh environments.

FSRU and FSO mooring
Different types of lean single point mooring systems for nearshore storage of liquid and gaseous cargo, refined products and chemicals in tankers/carriers are designed and delivered by Bluewater. Similarly, single point mooring systems to enable offshore storage nearby production platforms in open sea.

Multiproduct swivel stacks
Multiproduct swivels are a key component for our single point mooring systems to transfer liquids, gasses, chemicals, utilities, electrical power and signals between the seabed and the free weathervaning floating units like FPSO and FLNG units.

LNG Loading & Offloading Systems
Bluewater has developed cryogenic systems for offshore LNG transfer, both for ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore using flexible composite aerial hoses. Building on 40+ years of engineering and operations of permanently moored systems, Bluewater developed cost effective solutions for LNG transfer.
Bluewater pro-actively and independently develops technology based on market expectations, trends and input from our clients. Business and technology readiness move hand in hand and supported by our qualification programs and studies. For example, our multipath swivels and multiproduct swivel stacks that form integral part of our mooring and transfer systems are result of our continuous research and development program executed in the Bluewater test facility nearby our offices in the Netherlands.
Ingenuity, demonstrated technologies and collaboration with the market and our clients are our fundament to evolve and initiate new product developments and to improve the sustainability and enhanced digitalization of our products, services and operations.