CALM buoy terminals
For more than 40 years, Bluewater has successfully designed and delivered very cost effective Turret Buoys to recognized marine terminal operators, oil majors and refineries worldwide, to allow offshore and near shore (off-) loading of tankers of any size. Our buoys have demonstrated to enable flexibility in operation and extremely low maintenance needs thanks to the high quality and technology maturity. Year round availability and reliability are key.

Bluewater offers a standard and field proven Turret Buoy design, enabling shortest delivery times at lowest costs. Standardized options are available as well as customization to client and location specific requirements. Further, Bluewater successfully designed and delivered Turntable Buoys as alternative terminal near shore up to Deepwater Buoys to offload for instance a spread moored FPSO offshore.
All Buoys are moored to the seabed using a Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring (CALM) arrangement. Connected hoses and pipelines transfer the product between the freely weathervaning shuttle tanker and the production facility or storage terminal.
Multiple products can be transferred simultaneously and typically include hydrocarbons, as fluid or condensate, liquefied petroleum (LPG), potable water and refined products like methanol, ethanol and ammonia. Wired, telemetry and optical signals, electrical power and hydraulics are commonly included. Transfer of tanker VOCs can be included. We are studying the transfer of compressed hydrogen and CO2 utilizing CALM buoys whilst an E-power buoy is available to support the energy transition.

Alternative terminals are conventional or Multi-buoy Mooring (MBM) and Single Arm Leg Moored (SALM) buoys. For very shallow water, ice-infested waters and transfer of LNG, LH2 and LCO2 we refer to our Advanced Loading Towers.