BlueTEC Philosophy
Bluewater’s Tidal Energy Converter (BlueTEC) is a floating platform for tidal turbines. BlueTEC offers significant advantages by accommodating most of the critical equipment above the waterline, where it is dry and protected, allowing for easy access for inspection and repair. Furthermore, the most energy is at the top of the water column, near the surface, where the turbine is situated.

The main focus during the development process was on:
- Low manufacturing and marine installation costs (low CAPEX)
- Low maintenance costs by providing easy access for minor inspections and repairs
- Higher energy output
By providing more energy at a lower cost, BlueTEC aims to reduce the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCoE) of the electricity produced (€/MWh).
The main advantages of BlueTEC are:
- Electrical equipment safely inside floating body, direct access for inspection and maintenance
- The turbine is placed in the upper, most energetic part of the water column
- Dry power cable connection inside
- Suitable for wide range of water depths
- Easy installation and retrieval