Floating production and storage units
Bluewater designs and delivers, owns and operates a fleet of FPSOs. This are tanker based Floating Production and Storage units that Offload produced cargo from an offshore reservoir to shuttle tankers and export pipelines. Our experience extend from complete newbuilds to conversion of an existing tanker or purchased FPSO.

We safely and successfully executed newbuild, redeployment, upgrade, modification and lifetime extension projects by delivering quality on time and achieving required availability and performance throughout the contract duration in most stringent regulatory regimes.
We are actively pursuing and enhancing our assets to substantially reduce our carbon footprint like using gas as fuel, exporting gas, capturing emissions as well as importing high voltage power taking benefit of all-electric drives like onboard our FPSO Aoka Mizu.
All our FPSOs include a single point mooring systems, the majority with (quick) disconnection features like on our FPSO Aoka Mizu, upgraded few years back for the very harsh seas offshore West of Shetlands (UKCS). Our FPSO Munin is available for redeployment and features operation in dynamic positioning (DP) mode, thus avoiding mooring lines, for instance when deployed as Early Well Test (EWT) or Early Production (EPS) unit.

Our solutions include production from heavy and sour stored energy carrier to light condensate being also familiar with export of gas and high-pressure injection of water and gas. By example our versatile FPSO Glas Dowr: Available for redeployment with operational experience in the UKCS (North Sea), South Africa and East Timor while maintaining compliance to EU and UK standards and safety regime for any next assignment.
Bluewater continues to explore opportunities for fleet expansion that fit our capabilities. Through either acquisition, conversion or new built solutions with selective partners, in particular for VLCC based FPSOs for less harsh environments, often being spread moored.